Welcome gentle reader. This is my web site, a work still in progress. I try to keep the buzz out of my professional work so you may find the format dull. I can only hope that you find the contents interesting.
Most links on this site are followed either by the image
or by the image
which, when clicked or tapped, will open the link in a new
window (or tab). The red image warns that the link takes you
out of this website and into one over which I have no control.
I caution that monsters may live there.
This site contains my personal views on a number of
topics. The one with
which I am most conversant, is computer programming.
I have also collected into this site, software and tools
that I have developed to assist me during the
programming process. The reader is invited to use this
software, provided under the
Code Project Open License
The menu items (above) have the following content:
Programming | Programming is what I have done for a living since 1974. These pages discuss some issues associated with programming. |
Projects | Programming usually entails the development of a project. These pages describe some of the projects I worked on. |
Standards | Standards are sometimes viewed poorly by programmers. But, without them, software usually becomes unable to be maintained. |
Tools and Controls | While programming, I often find the need to develop a tool or control. In these pages I provide links to articles I've published on Code Project that describe these tools and controls. |
Miscellaneous | This is a collection of thoughts that do not fit in the preceding. |
Colophon The site image is a Viking long boat. I
chose the image for two reasons: it gives a sense of
traveling, of journeying; and my grandfather,
Professor Gabriel Gustafson
after whom I am named, was deeply involved in the excavation
and restoration of the
Viking ship.